Fight against Pollution

hi i am Dheerendra pal
and i have a great ideas for control pollution in in few big steps ,
pollution is always big problem for human and only human is doing pollution its very sad to us
over earth so-many humans ans all r not same so government to right to take big steps like 
1 : doing necessary to every school grow 1000 plant every year , think about how many school in india every city so every years 100 millions or more plant  automatically grow by schools ,
and second big step to take indian government , that should defined at list 20 to 30 % land of every city which is green forest land ,no body have permission to cut trees in this zone and everybody have permission to doing planting in this zone
and last Immediately stop manufacturing to non recycled plastic only use recycled plastic which is very important steps i hope you like this and government also take some big and series action on this
 Thanks : ph 9893074902


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